POT POURRI, the show caters to listeners of all ages originally belonging to the countries of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago, during the morning drive time between 9.00AM to 12 Noon. every Monday to Friday.
POT POURRI, the show is compiled and presented in various languages such as English, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu along with a dash of other dialects, primarily focused on exhibiting quality entertainment by incorporating a variety of styles of music, important news and information.
PINKI, the host, has it all spiced up with sweet talk bringing that precious smile on everybody’s face. The show is compiled for children and adults of all ages to enjoy together at one time, on one channel. At POT POURRI, music knows no bounds, rhythm, beat, language, no problem, if listeners like it they get it
POT POURRI also has numerous special features of the show. There are 3 Traffic Updates around 9:25AM, 9:55AM & 10:25AM & 3 Local Weather Updates every half hour, all days Monday to Friday between the hours of the show.

About Us
Why Radio?
- An individual spends on average 17 hours/week, listening to the radio with the primary medium being automobiles and offices.
- Of that, individuals prefer majority of that time to be of music content
- Unlike other mediums, Radio is FTA (free to air)
- Most cost-effective and mobile advertising medium
- Radio sells with immediacy
- Research shows radio regularly reaches consumers within two hours of their largest purchase of the day
- Radio sells everywhere
- In your car, at work etc.
- Radio escapes advertising clutter
- Always on the front page with radio
- Front and centre of listener’s attention
Best use of Radio advertising is, day-in-day out, 52 weeks a year – results build over time which works towards a ‘brand-name’
About the South Asian Market
Between 2001 and 2006, Ontario’s visible minority population increased more than four times faster than the population as a whole (27.5% vs. 6.6%).
South Asians remained the largest visible minority group in Ontario in 2006. Its population of 794,170 accounted for 28.9% of all visible minorities in the province.
Of that, 684,070 South Asians live in Toronto
South Asians in Toronto represented 31.5% (or nearly a third) of all visible minorities in the CMA (Census Metropolitan Areas) and 13.5% of the total population. They accounted for 86.1% of all South Asians in Ontario
India was the leading source country of newcomers to Ontario between 2001 and 2006. Fifteen per cent of recent immigrants came from India, followed by China (14%), Pakistan (7.5%), the Philippines (6.5%) and Sri Lanka (3.2%).
The number of people whose mother tongue is neither English nor French would reach 7.6 million by 2017, or 22% of the total population in Canada
The visible minority population of Toronto is close to 3.9 million in 2017.
Of these visible minorities more than 1 million people are of South Asian Origin
This means more than half of the South Asians are living in the GTA.